When Should My Child Have Their First Eye Exam?

If you are a new parent, you probably wonder about the right time to take your child for an eye appointment. The American Optometric Association states that eye exams are essential for children. According to studies, one out of four school-aged children have undetected vision problems. 


Eye exams for children are essential as they are preventative eye care. Get your children off to a great start. Read on to know when to take them for their first eye exam.



Importance of Eye Exams for Your Child



Early child eye exams are vital as they ensure your child has a properly developing vision. It also helps confirm they do not have vision problems that can affect their performance in school if they are of school age.


Studies show that 80 percent of children below 13 years old learn visually. Therefore, their eye health and vision are essential, especially since they now use computers from a very young age.


Ideally, be very attentive to their eyes from infancy. Some babies get born with eye alignment problems that can lead to incomplete vision development. If undetected or not treated early, it can cause a visual disability that may be permanent.



Common Vision Problems in Children



Eye doctors diagnose various eye problems at such eye exams. They may find astigmatism, farsightedness, or nearsightedness. It can also be a combination of the mentioned. There are also other eye problems common in school-aged kids, such as:


  • Strabismus or crossed eyes - Eyes cannot stay in proper alignment.
  • Amblyopia or lazy eye - One eye cannot achieve normal vision.
  • Converge insufficiency - Both eyes cannot work together when doing up-close work like reading.



What to Expect 



Your pediatrician or family doctor may refer you to an optometrist or an ophthalmologist if they suspect any problem. Once you visit the doctor, they will begin by asking about your child’s family and prenatal and medical history. 


If they are infants, the doctor will check how their eyes respond to light and if they can follow or fixate on an object. For pre-school children, the eye doctor can do random dot stereopsis to help determine if the eyes work effectively together. They will also do an LEA symbol test, which is like an eye chart, only that instead of having letters, it has symbols. The specialist will also look at the back of your child’s eye using ophthalmoscopy.



When Your Child Should Have Their First Exam



The American Optometric Association recommends taking children for their first eye exam at six months. The scope is not extensive as comprehensive eye exams for adults. Your eye doctor will conduct various tests to ensure the child has healthy eyes. They also ensure your child does not have eye problems that can affect the development of their vision.



How to Prepare for Your Child’s First Eye Exam



Ideally, ensure your child remains awake and playful on the day of their eye exam. Try to book an appointment that does not coincide with their nap or feeding time. Consider carrying their favorite toy and snack so that they may feel secure throughout the exam.


For more about the first eye exam, visit Limestone Eye Care at our office in Lawrence, Kansas. You can call (785) 268-6880 to book an appointment today.

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